Career Walk Co., Ltd.
contributes to solving social problems through our business.


Staffing business

Careerwalk Inc. proposes a human resource plan that best suits your company's needs, such as the period of temporary contracts, work contents, and future recruitment plans.



Careerwalk Inc.supports the recruitment of human resources to meet diversifying needs such as high-skilled young people, foreign nationals, and people with disabilities.


IT development

Careerwalk Inc. will contribute to society from a global perspective by developing robots that can replace the future labor force through its human resources business.


Career Walk Co., Ltd. is building excellent human resources banks in Southeast Asia and South Asia by making full use of asia’s wide range of connections.In many Asian countries, young human resources support the infrastructure of society against the backdrop of the “Population Bonus”.

On the other hand, Japan’s declining birthrate and aging society has become more serious, and the proportion of people aged 65 and over is more than 25%.The labor population is decreasing rapidly compared to the pension generation that is increasing in such an environment, and not only productivity but also labor shortages that support pensions are becoming more serious.

Under these circumstances, there is an increasing trend in companies that are actively trying to hire foreign workers as valuable labor forces.Securing workers is an urgent task for the industry, with about 1.27 million foreign workers working, a record high as 2017.

Career Walk Co., Ltd. contributes to the resolution of such social problems.

Hisakazu Yoshida, President
and CEO of Careerwalk Inc.

お気軽にお問い合わせください。050-5358-6990受付時間 9:00 - 18:00 [ 土日・祝日除く ]
Hours 9:00-18:00 [Excluding weekends and holidays]

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